Wednesday, April 13, 2016

We Keep Breaking Records At Tommy Gun's!

They're Coming Out Of The Woodwork!

So we set a new record on April 12th at Tommy Gun's in Windsor. 20 Players! Yep, that's right...20 players came out for our Tuesday 8 Ball Tourney!
They arrived from Chester Basin, Aylesford, Kentville, Berwick (well, the sticks outside, Greg), Halls Harbour (almost), St. Croix, Hammonds Plains (or somewhere in that area...Harry),  Hantsport, Falmouth (whatever!), Wolfville, a block away from Tommy Gun's (finally Doug!), Steve Ambeau drove all the way from the other side of Sydney (what the hell is on the other side of Sydney!!) and finally Abolit from.....from.....(he has told me about 40 times but!) somewhere in the Enfield, Shubie, Stewie, Musky......area!!!
We split into two groups (tried to get as equal as possible with handicaps!) and the top two from each side did ANOTHER round robin. 1st Place was almost a foregone conclusion with Trevor Clowry as a +4 (see if he EVER sees that number again!) got 1st Place with Greg Kaye getting 2nd Place and Darrell Abolit taking 3rd Place.
The handicap system is getting more
Left Darrell      Centre Greg         Right Trevor
 and more accurate as we move closer and closer to - Anyone...on ANY given night can walk through the door feeling as though they have a legitimate chance of winning if they perform ABOVE their normal capabilities to date!
The top players MUST play their best and that includes trying to keep their opponents from making too many balls. The next level needs to win games AND really challenge the top players. The lower level needs to make balls and hopefully win more games than normal.
We were a bit late starting as we created the format but finished at 10:00 as planned. That's pretty good.
See you next week! Or else!!

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